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Beginning Spanish 1 (SPAN 1000)

Total Credits:  5   Lecture Credits:  5  
Description:  This course provides an introduction to the language and cultures of Spain and Latin America. You will develop basic listening, speaking, reading and writing skills necessary to communicate about self, family and daily life, as well as basic survival needs. You will also explore cultural aspects of the Spanish-speaking world.
MnTC: Goal 8: Global Perspectives

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Beginning Spanish 2 (SPAN 1100)

Total Credits:  5   Lecture Credits:  5  
Description:  This course is a continuation of SPAN 1000 and is also appropriate for the student who has completed one semester of Spanish at other liberal arts institutions or one year of high school Spanish. You will learn the use of past-tense structures and pronoun usage. You will continue to develop listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills necessary to communicate about self, family, and daily life, as well as on abstract concepts such as feelings and emotions. You will also explore cultural aspects of the Spanish-speaking world. This course will prepare you for intermediate-level Spanish courses.
Prerequisites:  SPAN 1000 or equivalent, or 1 year of high school Spanish with a grade of 'C' or higher, or Instructor Approval
MnTC: Goal 8: Global Perspectives

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Accelerated Beginning Spanish (SPAN 1120)

Total Credits:  5   Lecture Credits:  5  
Description:  This accelerated course combines the content of our Beginning 1 and Beginning 2 classes. You should consider this course if you have taken some previous college or High School Spanish and would like to review some basic elements more quickly. You might also find it suitable if you have previous experience with similar languages like French, Italian, Portuguese or Romanian. You will get an accelerated review of the basic material, and then focus on developing the use of past tense and object pronouns.
Prerequisites:  One year of high school Spanish with a grade of 'C' or higher, or previous beginning Spanish experience in college, or Instructor Approval
MnTC: Goal 8: Global Perspectives

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Hispanic Culture and Civilization (SPAN 1145)

Total Credits:  3   Lecture Credits:  3  
Description:  Taught in English, this course covers aspects of the cultures and civilization of Spanish-speaking peoples. You will understand the meaning of culture and cultural heritage, develop a sense of shared humanity, and begin to distinguish between stereotypical and informed viewpoints. You will gain an awareness of the historical, political, geographical, linguistic, artistic, and religious influences and contributions of Spanish-speaking cultures in Spain, Latin America and the US.
Prerequisites:  Placement into READ 1300 or completion of READ 0200 or ESOL 0052
  • Goal 6: The Humanities and Fine Arts
  • Goal 8: Global Perspectives

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Heritage/Intensive Spanish 1 (SPAN 1300)

Total Credits:  5   Lecture Credits:  5  
Description:  This course is for heritage speakers and those who have had previous exposure to the language, but who desire more formal instruction at an accelerated pace. You will build upon the language skills you already possess, focusing on the development of academic Spanish through reading and writing, as well as instruction in grammar and spelling. You will also examine issues of Hispanic diversity in the US.
Prerequisites:  Placement into READ 0200 or ESOL 0052 or completion of READ 0100 or ESOL 0042
MnTC: Goal 8: Global Perspectives

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Spanish for Healthcare Providers (SPAN 1400)

Total Credits:  3   Lecture Credits:  3  
Description:  This course provides the basic tools to help healthcare providers communicate with Spanish-speaking patients in a medical setting. You will acquire medical terminology, phrases, and questions to conduct patient interviews, physical exams and take medical history. You will also learn important cultural aspects of the Hispanic community to understand their view of health care.
Prerequisites:  SPAN 1100 or SPAN 1300 or Equivalent

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Intermediate Spanish Language and Culture 1 (SPAN 2000)

Total Credits:  5   Lecture Credits:  5  
Description:  Spanish 2000 is a follow-up to the Beginning Spanish sequence. It can also be a review for students with two years previous high school experience. This course may also be useful for native speakers interested in learning grammatical concepts and terminology for teaching Spanish to English-speakers. You will build upon vocabulary, review grammar and learn further subtleties of Spanish syntax and idiomatic expressions. You will review present tense, past tenses, commands and subjunctive verb conjugation. You will develop communicative skills and techniques necessary for summarizing, paraphrasing, interpreting and narrating. You will also gain important cultural, historical, sociological and literary insights into the various peoples who speak Spanish throughout the world.
Prerequisites:  SPAN 1100 or SPAN 1120, or Equivalent, or Two Years of High School Spanish with a Grade of 'C' or Higher, or Instructor Approval
  • Goal 6: The Humanities and Fine Arts
  • Goal 8: Global Perspectives

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Intermediate Spanish Language and Culture 2 (SPAN 2100)

Total Credits:  5   Lecture Credits:  5  
Description:  Spanish 2100 is a follow-up to Spanish 2000. You will practice writing, reading, speaking and listening skills in preparation for the examination. You will receive skill evaluations from the final examination sequence based upon the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) standards. You will develop greater comfort and fluency if you have previously studied most of Spanish grammar and can already communicate simple ideas and narrate simple information in past, present and future tenses. You will practice difficult structures such as the use of object pronouns, subjunctive mood, adverbial conjunctions, hypothetical and future structures. You will develop communicative skills by the expansion of vocabulary, as well as idiomatic expressions. You will learn to "talk around" unknown vocabulary, express opinions, support them and engage in discussion and argument. This course satisfies MnTC Global Perspective requirements through readings, lectures, writing exercises, discussions and other presentation media, giving you a useful cultural, historical, sociological and literary insight into the various peoples who speak Spanish throughout the world.
Prerequisites:  SPAN 2000 or Equivalent or Instructor Approval
  • Goal 6: The Humanities and Fine Arts
  • Goal 8: Global Perspectives

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Advanced Spanish Composition & Communication (SPAN 2215)

Total Credits:  3   Lecture Credits:  3  
Description:  This writing intensive course is a gateway to Spanish major and minor programs, as well as a preparation for immersion and study abroad programs where you will be taking college level courses taught in Spanish in any discipline. You will develop formal writing skills, as well as listening, public speaking and reading skills necessary for academic success in courses that assume college level communication skills. You will both read and compose a variety of textual styles in this course, as well as speak and listen to different types of discourse to prepare you for courses that are taught and assessed entirely in the Spanish language. Through assignments you will examine and respond to various topics in Spanish-speaking culture including but not limited to: gender roles, race, cultural and linguistic differences among various countries, economics, politics and historical context.
Prerequisites:  SPAN 2100 or Four Years of High School Spanish Language with a Grade of C or Minnesota World Language Proficiency Certificate or Higher or Minnesota Seal of Biliteracy (in Spanish) or Instructor Approval
  • Goal 6: The Humanities and Fine Arts
  • Goal 8: Global Perspectives

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Introduction to Spanish Linguistics (SPAN 2230)

Total Credits:  3   Lecture Credits:  3  
Description:  This course provides a fundamental introduction to Spanish Linguistics. In this introduction to upper-level Spanish Linguistics courses you will develop advanced communications skills. You will also develop basic skills in phonology, phonetics, morphology, syntax, pragmatics and sociolinguistics, including language acquisition and language and gender.
Prerequisites:  SPAN 2215 or Equivalent or Minnesota Seal of Biliteracy (in Spanish) or Instructor Approval
  • Goal 5: History and the Social and Behavioral Sciences
  • Goal 8: Global Perspectives

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Introduction to Hispanic Literatures (SPAN 2250)

Total Credits:  3   Lecture Credits:  3  
Description:  This course serves as an introduction to the literary traditions of Latin America and Spain. You will read selected major canonical works of the Spanish-Language Literature's canon in all genres (poetry, essay, short story, novels and other narratives). In addition, you will learn literary analysis skills in Spanish to gain a greater appreciation of Spanish-Language literatures and also to familiarize yourself with how to approach literature from a critical perspective. This course prepares you for more specialized upper-level Spanish and Latin American literature courses.
Prerequisites:  SPAN 2215 or Instructor Approval
  • Goal 6: The Humanities and Fine Arts
  • Goal 8: Global Perspectives

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