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The Community Health Worker Role: Advocacy and Outreach (CMHW 1001)

Total Credits:  2   Lecture Credits:  2  
Description:  This course focuses on the role of the community health worker's personal safety, self-care, personal wellness, and the promotion of health and/or disease prevention of clients. Must be taken A-F.
Prerequisites:  Placement into READ 0200 or ESOL 0052 or completion of READ 0100 or ESOL 0042

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Organizations and Resources: Community and Personal Strategies (CMHW 1016)

Total Credits:  1   Lecture Credits:  1  
Description:  This course focuses on the Community Health Worker's knowledge of the community and the ability to prioritize and organize work. Emphasis is on the use and critical analysis of resources and on problem solving. Must be taken A-F.
Prerequisites:  Placement into READ 0200 or ESOL 0052 or completion of READ 0100 or ESOL 0042
Co-requisites:  CMHW 1001

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Community Health Worker's Role in Teaching and Capacity-Building (CMHW 1025)

Total Credits:  2   Lecture Credits:  2  
Description:  This course focuses on the community health worker's role in teaching and increasing capacity of the community and of the client. Emphasis is on establishing healthy lifestyles and clients developing agreements to take responsibility for achieving their health goals. You will learn and practice methods for planning, developing and implementing plans with clients to promote wellness.
Prerequisites:  Placement into READ 0200 or ESOL 0052 or completion of READ 0100 or ESOL 0042
Co-requisites:  CMHW 1001

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The Community Health Worker: Legal and Ethical Responsibilities (CMHW 1035)

Total Credits:  1   Lecture Credits:  1  
Description:  This course focuses on the legal and ethical dimensions of the community health worker's role. You will study the boundaries of the community health worker position, agency policies, confidentiality, liability, mandatory reporting, and cultural issues that can influence legal and ethical responsibilities.
Prerequisites:  Placement into READ 0200 or ESOL 0052 or completion of READ 0100 or ESOL 0042
Co-requisites:  CMHW 1001

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Community Health Worker: Coordination, Documentation and Reporting (CMHW 1045)

Total Credits:  1   Lecture Credits:  1  
Description:  This course focuses on the importance and ability of the community health worker to gather, document, and report on client visits and other activities. The emphasis is on appropriate, accurate, and clear documentation with consideration of legal and agency requirements.
Prerequisites:  Placement into READ 0200 or ESOL 0052 or completion of READ 0100 or ESOL 0042
Co-requisites:  CMHW 1001

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Communications Skills and Cultural Competence (CMHW 1055)

Total Credits:  2   Lecture Credits:  2  
Description:  This course provides the content and skills in communication to assist community health workers in effectively interacting with a variety of clients, their families, and a range of health care providers. You will learn about communicating verbally and non-verbally, listening and interviewing, networking, building trust, and working in teams. You will practice communication skills in the context of culture and any implications that can affect client communication.
Prerequisites:  Placement into READ 0200 or ESOL 0052 or completion of READ 0100 or ESOL 0042
Co-requisites:  CMHW 1001

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Health Promotion Competencies (CMHW 1065)

Total Credits:  3   Lecture Credits:  3  
Description:  This course provides basic concepts regarding healthy lifestyles, and specific information about heart disease and stroke, diabetes, cancer, oral health, mental health, and maternal/child/teen health necessary for the Community Health Worker to foster holistic health practices and implement prescribed plans of care with clients. Must be taken A-F.
Prerequisites:  Placement into READ 0200 or ESOL 0052 or completion of READ 0100 or ESOL 0042
Co-requisites:  CMHW 1001

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Community Health Worker Internship (CMHW 1100)

Total Credits:  2   Internship/Practicum Credits:  2
Description:  The 80-hour internship course provides you the opportunity to prepare for independent work as a Community Health Worker. You will work in a role promoting the health and well-being of individuals through an agency experience. This course requires instructor permission to register. A clear background check must be on file before start of Internship on-site hours. Must be taken Pass/Fail.
Prerequisites:  Instructor permission is required and completion or concurrent enrollment in CMHW 1001, CMHW 1016, CMHW 1025, CMHW 1035, CMHW 1045, CMHW 1055 and CMHW 1065. Please contact the instructor.

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