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Most awards have General Education Transfer Curriculum (MnTC) requirements. Students seeking an Associate in Arts degree must successfully complete a total of 40 credits of MnTC coursework (See Associate in Arts Degree for specific MnTC goal area requirements). The A.F.A., A.S. and the A.A.S. degrees also use MnTC courses to fulfill their General Edcuation requirements. While not required, some of the Diplomas and Certificates at Minneapolis College also use MnTC courses to fulfill their requirements.
MnTC Goal Area 01: Written and Oral Communication
To develop writing, speaking and critical listening skills in the English language. As a base, you should complete introductory communication requirements early in your collegiate studies. Writing competency is an ongoing process to be reinforced through writing-intensive courses and writing across the curriculum. Speaking and listening skills need reinforcement through multiple opportunities for interpersonal communication, public speaking and discussion.
A minimum of 9 credits, which must include ENGL 1110 or ENGA 1110, and ENGL 1111, as well as an eligible communication studies course.
CMST 1000
CMST 1650
CMST 2012
CMST 1005
CMST 2005
ENGA 1110 Or ENGL 1110
CMST 1010
CMST 2010
ENGL 1111
CMST 1014
CMST 2011
MnTC Goal Area 02: Critical Thinking
To help you become a thinker who is able to unify factual, creative, rational and value-sensitive modes of thought. Critical thinking will be taught and used throughout the general education curriculum in order to develop your awareness of your own thinking and problem-solving procedures. To integrate new skills into your customary ways of thinking, you must be actively engaged in practicing thinking skills and applying them to open-ended problems.
Completion of the full 40-credit Minnesota Transfer Curriculum or a minimum of one course designated as a MnTC 2 course.
FYST 1000
INFS 1000
INFS 2010
FYST 1010
INFS 2007
PHIL 1110
FYST 1015
INFS 2008
READ 1300
FYST 1100
INFS 2009
STSK 1150
MnTC Goal Area 03: Natural Science
To improve your understanding of natural science principles and of the methods of scientific inquiry, i.e. the ways in which scientists investigate natural science phenomena. As a basis for lifelong learning, you need to know the vocabulary of science and to realize that while a set of principles has been developed through the work of previous scientists, ongoing scientific inquiry and new knowledge will bring changes in some of the ways scientists view the world. By studying the problems that engage today's scientists, you will learn to appreciate the importance of science in your life and to understand the value of a scientific perspective. You are encouraged to study both the biological and physical sciences.
A minimum of two courses in different disciplines, one course must have a traditional lab and the other course must have a traditional lab or lab-like experience.
ASTR 1100
BIOL 2225
CHEM 2204 and CHEM 2224
*MnTC 3 requires both lecture and lab.
BIOL 1100
BIOL 2235
CHEM 2205 and CHEM 2225
BIOL 1120 Includes lab like experience
BIOL 2245
GEOL 1100
BIOL 1127 and BIOL 1128
BIOL 2250
GEOL 1101
BIOL 1136 and BIOL 1137
BIOL 2260
PHYS 1000
BIOL 1160 Includes lab like experience
BIOL 2500
PHYS 1100
BIOL 1226 Includes lab like experience
CHEM 1020
PHYS 1131
BIOL 2200
CHEM 1140
PHYS 1132
BIOL 2202
CHEM 1145
PHYS 1211
BIOL 2205
CHEM 1151
PHYS 1221
BIOL 2224
CHEM 1152
MnTC Goal Area 04: Mathematical and Logical Reasoning
To increase your knowledge about mathematical and logical modes of thinking. This will enable you to appreciate the breadth of applications of mathematics, evaluate arguments and detect fallacious reasoning. You will learn to apply mathematics, logic and/or statistics to help them make decisions in your life and career. Minnesota's public higher education systems have agreed that developmental mathematics includes the first three years of a high school mathematics sequence through intermediate algebra.
A minimum of one course.
CSCI 2011
MATH 1120
MATH 1180
MATH 1001
MATH 1125
MATH 1190
MATH 1090
*MnTC 4 requires MATH 0990 and MATH 1090
MATH 1140
MATH 2011
MATH 1110
MATH 1150
PHIL 2110
MATH 1116
MATH 1165
MATH 1119
MATH 1170
MnTC Goal Area 05: History and the Social and Behavioral Sciences
To increase your knowledge of how historians and social and behavioral scientists discover, describe, and explain the behaviors and interactions among individuals, groups, institutions, events and ideas. Such knowledge will better equip you to understand yourself and the roles people play in addressing the issues facing humanity.
A minimum of two courses, in two different subjects.
AMIS 1000
HIST 1200
PSYC 2100
AMIS 1120
HIST 1210
PSYC 2215
AMIS 1350
HIST 1300
PSYC 2240
AMSL 1145
HIST 1310
PSYC 2250
AMST 1000
HIST 2001
PSYC 2260
AMST 1100
HIST 2002
PSYC 2275
ANTH 1104
HIST 2241
PSYC 2280
ANTH 1105
HIST 2242
PSYC 2350
ANTH 1110
HIST 2243
SOCI 1105
ANTH 2105
HONR 1001
SOCI 1106
ECON 1000
INFS 2520
SOCI 1107
ECON 1200
INFS 2600
SOCI 1110
ECON 2000
PSCI 1101
SOCI 1160
ECON 2200
PSCI 1102
SOCI 1170
GEOG 1101
PSCI 1104
SOCI 2115
GEOG 1102
PSCI 1110
SOCI 2145
GEOG 1103
PSCI 1111
SOCI 2155
GEOG 1104
PSCI 1137
SPAN 2230
GEOG 2204
PSCI 1170
WGSS 1101
GLOS 1500
PSCI 1180
WGSS 1115
HIST 1000
PSCI 1190
WGSS 1120
HIST 1010
PSCI 1200
WGSS 2213
HIST 1020
PSCI 2000
WGSS 2240
HIST 1100
PSYC 1100
HIST 1110
PSYC 1110
MnTC Goal Area 06: Humanities and Fine Arts
To expand your knowledge of the human condition and human cultures, especially in relation to behavior, ideas and values expressed in works of human imagination and thought. Through study in disciplines such as literature, philosophy, and the fine arts, you will engage in critical analysis, form aesthetic judgments, and develop an appreciation of the arts and humanities as fundamental to the health and survival of any society. You should have experiences in both the arts and humanities.
AMIS 1100
ENCW 2213
MUSC 2175
AMIS 1200
ENCW 2214
OJIB 1800
AMIS 1300
ENCW 2215
PHIL 1115
AMST 1132
ENLT 1150
PHIL 1130
AMST 1140
ENLT 1151
PHIL 1171
AMST 1152
ENLT 1152
PHIL 1172
AMST 1155
ENLT 1156
PHIL 2115
ARAB 1400
ENLT 1157
PHIL 2121
ARTS 1000
ENLT 1158
PHIL 2171
ARTS 1105
ENLT 1160
PHIL 2181
ARTS 1110
ENLT 1161
PHIL 2215
ARTS 1111
ENLT 1162
PHIL 2315
ARTS 1114
ENLT 2225
PHOT 1100
ARTS 1121
ENLT 2226
PHOT 1200
ARTS 1125
ENLT 2231
SPAN 1145
ARTS 1132
ENLT 2232
SPAN 2000
ARTS 1133
ENLT 2261
SPAN 2215
ARTS 1141
ENLT 2262
SPAN 2250
ARTS 1142
GLOS 1190
THTR 1104
ARTS 1145
GLOS 1200
THTR 1131
ARTS 1150
GLOS 1300
THTR 1145
ARTS 2212
GLOS 1600
THTR 1150
ARTS 2213
HONR 2001
THTR 1160
ARTS 2214
MUSC 1000
THTR 1161
ARTS 2221
MUSC 1010
THTR 1162
ARTS 2222
MUSC 1020
THTR 1163
ARTS 2225
MUSC 1030
THTR 1165
ARTS 2233
MUSC 1040
THTR 1166
ARTS 2234
MUSC 1050
THTR 2105
CIST 1101
MUSC 1060
THTR 2145
CIST 1102
MUSC 1070
THTR 2150
CIST 1103
MUSC 1150
THTR 2160
CIST 1104
MUSC 1175
WGSS 1140
CIST 1106
MUSC 1310
WGSS 2200
CMST 1015
MUSC 1320
WGSS 2211
DAKO 1900
MUSC 1330
WGSS 2212
ENCW 2212
MUSC 1340
WGSS 2235
MnTC Goal Area 07: Human Diversity
To increase your understanding of individual and group differences (e.g. race, gender and class), your knowledge of the traditions and values of various groups in the United States. You should be able to evaluate the United States' historical and contemporary responses to group differences.
MnTC Goal Area 08: Global Perspective
To increase your understanding of the growing interdependence of nations and peoples, as well as develop your ability to apply a comparative perspective to cross-cultural social, economic and political experiences.
AMSL 1000
AMSL 1100
AMSL 2000
OJIB 1000
AMSL 2100
OJIB 1100
ARAB 1000
SOMI 1000
ARAB 1100
SOMI 1100
SPAN 1000
ARAB 2000
SPAN 1100
ARAB 2100
SPAN 1120
SPAN 1300
SPAN 2100
DAKO 1000
DAKO 1100
JAPN 1000
JAPN 1100
MnTC Goal Area 09: Ethical and Civic Responsibility
To develop your capacity to identify, discuss, and reflect upon the ethical dimensions of political, social and personal life and to understand the ways in which you can exercise responsible and productive citizenship. While there are diverse views of social justice or the common good in a pluralistic society, you should learn that responsible citizenship requires you to develop skills to understand your own and others' positions in order to be part of the free exchange of ideas and function as a public-minded citizen.
BIOL 1226
MnTC Goal Area 10: People and the Environment
To improve your understanding of today's complex environmental challenges; you will examine the interrelatedness of human society and the natural environment. Knowledge of both bio-physical principles and socio-cultural systems is the foundation for integrative and critical thinking about environmental issues.
BIOL 1136