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Office of Academic Affairs
The office of Academic Affairs supports the educational mission of the college through developing academic programs and providing services to faculty and students. This includes:
- Developing course curriculum, the course schedule and the college catalog;
- Helping students arrange independent study and credit by exams;
- Deans’ Honor List;
- A student who completes 12 or more college-level credits in a semester with a semester GPA of 3.0 or higher will be included on the Deans’ List. A letter of acknowledgement will be sent to each student on the list. Courses the student took pass/no credit, withdrew from, audited or did not complete are excluded.
- Hiring, orientating and evaluating faculty; and
- Coordinating working groups such as Academic Affairs and Standards Committee, Faculty Coordinators and Program Advisory Committees.
The approval of the departmental dean is required:
- For independent study proposals; and/or
- To take a credit by examination.
Contacting Faculty
Each instructor at the College has an assigned office, phone number and email address. Every instructor’s office hours are published in the course syllabus and posted on the respective instructor’s office door. It is recommended, however, that students discuss with the instructor their preferred method of contact. Information on the location of faculty offices, phone numbers and email accounts is available in the online directory, at the Student Services Center or the Office of Academic Affairs.
The MCTC Library provides access to a wide variety of print and online resources such as books, magazines, journals, newspapers, and audio/visual materials. The Library also offers a number of services to support student academic needs, including personal and virtual research assistance, research guides, and instructional video tutorials. Many items not available in the MCTC Library can be requested from other libraries through interlibrary loan. A valid Student ID is required to check out materials, including laptops and headphones. The Library is open Mon-Sat during the regular academic year, Mon-Fri during the summer, and is closed during holidays, between semesters, and when classes are not in session. Please refer to the Library's website for a complete list of hours, contact information and more.
College Computer Services
Currently enrolled students may use the computers in any of the College’s Open Computer labs for college coursework. The labs are located in Student Life Touch Down Spaces, H.2900 and Library Open Computer Lab, L.1300. They are open throughout the term, including day, evening and Saturday hours. Please refer to College Computer Services website for a complete list of hours and additional information.
The MCTC Bookstore is located on the T-building plaza (T.1800). Bookstore hours are 8:00 a.m. –4:00 p.m. Monday-Friday. MCTC’s Bookstore provides a variety of products and services to our students, faculty and staff, including: Textbooks, General books, Apparel, Computer products, and Supplies. Visit the Bookstore’s website to view and purchase books and more.
MCTC eStore
Students are encouraged to avoid lines by purchasing textbooks and supplies online. Please refer to the Bookstore’s website. When purchasing textbooks, students should have their registrations form listing courses, course numbers and course sections. For questions pertaining to online orders or to pick up your processed order, visit the Bookstore e-Commerce department in T.2020.
D2L Brightspace:
D2L Brightspace lets instructors enhance their courses using the Web by the creation and distribution of course elements online. It provides a variety of online options, including uploading assignments, taking quizzes and listening to course lectures, all through a standard Web browser.
There are resources available to help you get started on D2L at the web link listed below:
For technical assistance, visit Minnesota State D2L Help Desk. You may also search for an answer to your question, or submit your question to the D2L support staff, and they will be in touch with you via email within 24 hours.